The series IGN named the #1 Transformers comic book. The toughest Autobot crew around investigates a Decepticon-controlled prison, but encounter a villain they never expected. The Autobot special ops crew, The Wreckers, are sent to investigate Garrus-9, a prison that fell to the Decepticons three years ago. No communication, Autobot or Decepticon, has come out since. Who's really behind the prison siege, and what dark secret awaits Springer, Guzzle, Rotorstorm, Ironfist, and their fellow Wreckers there? The answers to ...
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The series IGN named the #1 Transformers comic book. The toughest Autobot crew around investigates a Decepticon-controlled prison, but encounter a villain they never expected. The Autobot special ops crew, The Wreckers, are sent to investigate Garrus-9, a prison that fell to the Decepticons three years ago. No communication, Autobot or Decepticon, has come out since. Who's really behind the prison siege, and what dark secret awaits Springer, Guzzle, Rotorstorm, Ironfist, and their fellow Wreckers there? The answers to those questions will send this mission to the razors edge! Fan-favorite creators Nicke Roche and James Roberts deliver a pulls-no-punches story that will leave you wanting more, even if you're not sure you can handle it.
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