The Second Installment of "The Politician" Trilogy finds Congressman Jack Murphy reacting to events following the first installment (subtitled "Crisis"). Here, he is poised to fight for his political life as a new up and coming star poses a challenge that the opposition party is determined to promote. Additionally, Jack must confront the growing public suspicion that his crusade to clean up the Capitol has been swept under the rug for the privilege of rubbing elbows with the world's most powerful figures. Beyond politics, ...
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The Second Installment of "The Politician" Trilogy finds Congressman Jack Murphy reacting to events following the first installment (subtitled "Crisis"). Here, he is poised to fight for his political life as a new up and coming star poses a challenge that the opposition party is determined to promote. Additionally, Jack must confront the growing public suspicion that his crusade to clean up the Capitol has been swept under the rug for the privilege of rubbing elbows with the world's most powerful figures. Beyond politics, Jack is compelled to ponder whether or not to marry his long-time girlfriend whose hard work and dedication by his side through all of his pursuits has proven to him that she is worthy of the risk. Finally, while he attempts to figure out his future in a life of romance and balance that with his career, the Congressman also desperately fights to protect the ones he loves - particularly his children - from the chaos that befalls the world in which they live.
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