These hilarious stories by the creator of public television's longest-running hit series capture the wacky sensibility and off-the-wall humor of the British sitcom. With characters such as the cheerfully lecherous Mr. Lucas and the overbearing, ever-proper Mrs. Slocombe, readers revisit the Men's and Ladies' Wear Departments of Grace Brothers Department Store--where hopelessly politically incorrect repartee sets the stage for decades of viewership. 16 color photos.
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These hilarious stories by the creator of public television's longest-running hit series capture the wacky sensibility and off-the-wall humor of the British sitcom. With characters such as the cheerfully lecherous Mr. Lucas and the overbearing, ever-proper Mrs. Slocombe, readers revisit the Men's and Ladies' Wear Departments of Grace Brothers Department Store--where hopelessly politically incorrect repartee sets the stage for decades of viewership. 16 color photos.
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