Based on the popular animated children's program Disney's Recess, this full-length film focuses on the end of a school year, where young pupil T.J. Detweiler is looking ahead to having a wild, fun-packed summer vacation. T.J. stumbles upon a plot hatched by the villainous Dr. Benedict, a former principal who once tried to strike recess from the average school day. Dr. Benedict hatches a scheme to control weather patterns with a specialized laser beam to create a permanent winter, making it impossible for the students to ...
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Based on the popular animated children's program Disney's Recess, this full-length film focuses on the end of a school year, where young pupil T.J. Detweiler is looking ahead to having a wild, fun-packed summer vacation. T.J. stumbles upon a plot hatched by the villainous Dr. Benedict, a former principal who once tried to strike recess from the average school day. Dr. Benedict hatches a scheme to control weather patterns with a specialized laser beam to create a permanent winter, making it impossible for the students to have a summer vacation. T.J. calls in all of his best pals to defeat the villainous Dr. Benedict, as well as recruits the help of the faculty, who willingly join the young students on their crusade for freedom. Recess: School's Out was directed by Chuck Sheetz, who has helmed episodes of The Simpsons and King of the Hill. Jason Clark, Rovi
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