Malu is a young girl who belongs to a Stone Age tribe. The clan lives according to the Animal Master's laws, and yet no animal has ever lived among them. So, when Malu rescues Kono, an orphaned wolf cub, the clan's wise man issues a stern decree: if Kono ever harms one of the clan she must die. Defying the clan's taboos, Malu secretly learns to hunt while teaching Kono to follow her and live in harmony with the other cave-dwellers. The wolf is gradually accepted by the clan but there are still some who want Malu dishonoured ...
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Malu is a young girl who belongs to a Stone Age tribe. The clan lives according to the Animal Master's laws, and yet no animal has ever lived among them. So, when Malu rescues Kono, an orphaned wolf cub, the clan's wise man issues a stern decree: if Kono ever harms one of the clan she must die. Defying the clan's taboos, Malu secretly learns to hunt while teaching Kono to follow her and live in harmony with the other cave-dwellers. The wolf is gradually accepted by the clan but there are still some who want Malu dishonoured and Kono dead, and eventually Malu must choose between her wolf and her clan.
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