Some Silly People would not Capitalize "bite," even if Laughing Hyenas were taking Bites out of their Rumps: beCause, to them, it is a Literary Sin to Capitalize Light, Air, Water, Land, Tornado, Fire, Earth, Sun, or Moon, unless they are used in Titles, or at the beginnings of sentences; much less, Faith, Hope, Trust, Love, Patience, Persistence, and Obedience, even though they might Reluctantly Confess that they could not LIVE without those Good Things, and especially without Obedience: beCause, just Imagine what Life ...
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Some Silly People would not Capitalize "bite," even if Laughing Hyenas were taking Bites out of their Rumps: beCause, to them, it is a Literary Sin to Capitalize Light, Air, Water, Land, Tornado, Fire, Earth, Sun, or Moon, unless they are used in Titles, or at the beginnings of sentences; much less, Faith, Hope, Trust, Love, Patience, Persistence, and Obedience, even though they might Reluctantly Confess that they could not LIVE without those Good Things, and especially without Obedience: beCause, just Imagine what Life would be Like if no one Obeyed the Traffic Laws? Yes, just Imagine HOW you would get to Work, if Vehicles Refused to Start, and would not OBEY? Chances are that you would soon be Driven INSANE by it all: beCause we cannot Live without LAWS, including the Law of Gravity, whereby our Foods Stay on our Tables, rather than Float Away, as they might do in Outer Space, which seems to be Governed by a Different Set of Laws. Yes, we can all Thank the Great Creator God with a Capital T for Sunlight, which is no less than a million Times more Important than General ElecTrickery, and at least a billion Times more Important than some Blabbermouth President, or even all of his limousines, airplanes, helicopters, and other Contraptions put together: beCause, without Sunlight, there would be no Life on this Good Earth. Nevertheless, the Public School of Ignorant Fools Persistently Teaches us to NOT Capitalize any such Words: beCause those Things are not Important enough to them, while Ford Motors and Viagra are very Important, and so much so that they MUST be Capitalized: beCause they are Brand Names. However, our Selected King is a "Born Rebel," you might say, who Defies the School of Fools, and Challenges them to Prove his Literary Rules to be WRong - one of which is to Capitalize every Important Word that might have Multiple Meanings, whereby all such Things can be Interpreted in several Different Ways, depending on your Viewpoint. For Example, to a "Born Again Christian," the Light of the World is Jesus Christ, who supposedly Enlightened the Minds of more People than any Person who ever Lived, which could only be True if their Minds were Actually Enlightened with a Capital A and E, which, in at least the Cases of George Warmonger Bush and Little Dick Chicanery, Incorporated, were Obviously NOT Enlightened, even though they Professed to Believe in Jesus Christ before they went to War in Afghanistan and Iraq, which was not at all a Christian Deed: beCause more than a Million Innocent People were Murdered, or Badly Wounded, and more than 10 Million were Displaced from their Homes, whereby they Cursed those Wicked Americans, and Justly so: beCause there were no Good Reasons for Attacking such Poor People, who had Absolutely NOTHING to do with the Evil Events of September 11th, 2001! Therefore, they were not Served with True Justice. Nevertheless, many Deceived Americans go right on Pledging their Allegiance to their Bloody Rag, which Pledge ends "with liberty and justice for all," which is nothing but an American LIE: beCause there is no True Freedom, Liberty, nor Justice for anyone, which can be, should be, and must be Proven in a Courtroom, just to set the Record Straight! Yes, our Selected King has Plans for bringing all of those Liars to COURT, even as he has Explained in this Inspired Book, which is about much more than Justifications for Capitalizations! Yes, it is about True Liberty and Justice for ALL Peoples, Worldwide! Nevertheless, you do not have to Believe it, even if the Government Bulldogs are Biting on your own Rump, just for being True to your Faith.
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