Released in 2009, How to Train Your Dragon is British composer John Powell's third consecutive animation score, following Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs and Bolt. With his use of bagpipes, fiddles, pennywhistles, and a military marching band, Powell incorporates a Celtic theme throughout the 25 classical instrumentals and vocal pieces, which include the emotionally stirring "Test Drive," the new age-influenced "Forbidden Friendship," and "Sticks and Stones," a track recorded by Sigur Rós' frontman Jónsi. ~ Jon O'Brien, Rovi
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Released in 2009, How to Train Your Dragon is British composer John Powell's third consecutive animation score, following Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs and Bolt. With his use of bagpipes, fiddles, pennywhistles, and a military marching band, Powell incorporates a Celtic theme throughout the 25 classical instrumentals and vocal pieces, which include the emotionally stirring "Test Drive," the new age-influenced "Forbidden Friendship," and "Sticks and Stones," a track recorded by Sigur Rós' frontman Jónsi. ~ Jon O'Brien, Rovi
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