Stranded at the edge of time, Lucy Taylor is a long way from home. Her only company is Charles Catashi, an art collecting psychopath who may well be immortal. On her way to join them on Apophenia is Tasso Jacobaeae. 2716 syllables later, everything is sorted.FR3VR ends the FOREVER trilogy in spectacular fashion with this epic Kalavela poem stunningly illuminated by Peter Horneland.A metaphor for our age? Probably.A reboot for the timeline? Definitely.Praise for The WTF TRILOGYPraise for WHATEVER "Undoubtedly the best art ...
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Stranded at the edge of time, Lucy Taylor is a long way from home. Her only company is Charles Catashi, an art collecting psychopath who may well be immortal. On her way to join them on Apophenia is Tasso Jacobaeae. 2716 syllables later, everything is sorted.FR3VR ends the FOREVER trilogy in spectacular fashion with this epic Kalavela poem stunningly illuminated by Peter Horneland.A metaphor for our age? Probably.A reboot for the timeline? Definitely.Praise for The WTF TRILOGYPraise for WHATEVER "Undoubtedly the best art gangster conspiracy comedy written the last 23 years." Andrew Robinson"If you've ever loved the work of Robert Anton Wilson and similar talents, or if you just like a good winding yarn. Ingenious, funny, and at times worryingly convincing, Whatever is a book you won't shrug off lightly." Ben Graham"It's extremely good" Al No "So good I had to burn it" Mark Love"Like a ripe peach, I devoured this juicy morsel in one sitting." Pope Guy XVIII"This book is entertaining. I read the lot in one sitting, and I only ever read good books in a single session."Stephen Clarke 1980 "Whatever by Andy Gell, one of the 400, is a play that melds reality with hyper-reality to become a meta-narrative, and it plays creatively with the links and implications of the recent works of the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu- and riffs off on the Illuminatus! connections between the JAM's and Robert Anton Wilson. It nursed me through my melting hangover bath time- I'd just like to be really clear that this is a great piece of work, I hugely enjoyed it, and it was great to see the 'events' turned into another meta-meta-meta narrative- especially while trying to come back down from the latest reboot of creativity- what you did with Saul and Barney was hugely enjoyable, his employment of the '333333ingenuity' approach to decoding the dates was incredible, and the point about the 111hz drone, and something being 'done' to us struck a huge Mu-Chord- we have all become creative dynamos. This deserves to be put on your shelf alongside Illuminatus!, 2023, and associated books related to Discordianism." John Horobin"Funny, clever, doesn't take itself too seriously, totally hand in hand with 2023" Johanna Dornell "Andy Gell, member of The 400 and the irresponsible fool who is essentially to blame for my Badger Kull tattoo, released Whatever, a play based on the events of Welcome To The Dark Ages that aims to imagine up a fictional behind the scenes look at events through a cast of funny and engaging characters whilst touching on synchronicities, discordianism, mortality, art and more topics that are guaranteed to appeal to its target audience." Vicky Pea "Whatever is a roaring success. It pleases the fans but is not a clich??? or a lazy remake. This original work knows all the references, pays homage to the details and then expands on them further, takes them in other directions and creates something new. We were already in a vast universe but that just got swallowed up by a black hole in order to warp how we viewed what we had been a part of. Andy Gell previously hypothesised that The JAMs were making art to make artists to make art - if that is the case, he is a shining light for what any of The 400 can achieve." Scaramanga Silk
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