In the thrilling second installment of the Book of Demons series, Garrett and Raven emerge victorious from their battle with the Demon Twins to find themselves thrust into a picturesque new world. Yet, beneath its peaceful surface lies a dark truth... they are not here by chance. As they uncover the sinister plot of a new enemy hell-bent on world domination, they must face off against terrifying unholy creatures, to save not only themselves but perhaps all of mankind.
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In the thrilling second installment of the Book of Demons series, Garrett and Raven emerge victorious from their battle with the Demon Twins to find themselves thrust into a picturesque new world. Yet, beneath its peaceful surface lies a dark truth... they are not here by chance. As they uncover the sinister plot of a new enemy hell-bent on world domination, they must face off against terrifying unholy creatures, to save not only themselves but perhaps all of mankind.
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