China Tales and Stories: BO LE CHOOSES A HORSE (English Version) Bo Le Chooses a Horse reminds us that "things of quality have no fear of time." Also, that some of us are quite good at listening and paying attention, and so of recognizing and appreciating others - though all of us can improve on that, of course.... Bo Le Chooses a Horse is from the Mead-Hill collection, China Tales and Stories. Bo Le Chooses a Horse is a great moral tale, based on the doings of one of the most beloved characters in Chinese literary ...
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China Tales and Stories: BO LE CHOOSES A HORSE (English Version) Bo Le Chooses a Horse reminds us that "things of quality have no fear of time." Also, that some of us are quite good at listening and paying attention, and so of recognizing and appreciating others - though all of us can improve on that, of course.... Bo Le Chooses a Horse is from the Mead-Hill collection, China Tales and Stories. Bo Le Chooses a Horse is a great moral tale, based on the doings of one of the most beloved characters in Chinese literary history. In fact, Bo Le was so widely revered that nowadays simply describing someone as a "Bo Le" is to pay a very gracious compliment. Bo Le's tale was told and retold so many times that he became almost more famous than a hero - he became almost an archetype. In that way, Bo Le even became part of China thinking. (For more about that idea, please see Mead-Hill's, China Thinking - An Introduction.) Bo Le Chooses a Horse is published in multiple Mead-Hill editions. Each edition is illustrated by a different artist. Each artist uses a different style of Chinese illustration. Each illustrated set can be collected; the collections can be put together to build a special library of China tales and stories. Bo Le Chooses a Horse is available in multiple Mead-Hill versions. Mead-Hill website: ...
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