15 Lancaster Gate is the extraordinary true story of a young American sailor, who at the close of the 1960s, unexpectedly spends a week in "Swinging London," where between escapades, he meets the girl of his dreams, only to be stymied by a situational mix-up. From London, he travels to the Netherlands, back to England, out to sea, and then to Germany and Denmark (and back to sea again), before returning to the British capital, where at long last he has a second chance for romance. Before love can blossom however, the sailor ...
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15 Lancaster Gate is the extraordinary true story of a young American sailor, who at the close of the 1960s, unexpectedly spends a week in "Swinging London," where between escapades, he meets the girl of his dreams, only to be stymied by a situational mix-up. From London, he travels to the Netherlands, back to England, out to sea, and then to Germany and Denmark (and back to sea again), before returning to the British capital, where at long last he has a second chance for romance. Before love can blossom however, the sailor and his new-found English girlfriend must overcome obstacles that threaten to keep them apart. Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, this oftentimes humorous memoir will surely make you laugh while at the same time touching your heart.
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